Salary Sacrifice Pension Agreement Template Uk


A salary sacrifice pension agreement is a type of agreement between an employee and an employer in which the employee agrees to sacrifice a portion of their salary in exchange for the employer contributing to their pension. This arrangement can be beneficial for both parties as it allows employees to increase their pension contributions while saving on taxes and national insurance contributions.

What is a Salary Sacrifice Pension Agreement?

In a salary sacrifice pension agreement, the employee agrees to give up a portion of their salary in exchange for the employer making contributions to their pension. This means that the amount of salary given up is not subject to income tax or national insurance contributions, which can result in significant tax savings for employees.

Employers also benefit from salary sacrifice pension agreements as they are not required to pay national insurance contributions on the amount of salary given up by the employee. This can result in significant savings for the employer.

Why Use a Salary Sacrifice Pension Agreement Template?

Using a salary sacrifice pension agreement template can be beneficial for both employers and employees as it ensures that the agreement is legally binding and compliant with UK laws and regulations. A template can also provide a clear framework for the agreement and ensure that all of the necessary details are included and understood by both parties.

Important Details to Include in a Salary Sacrifice Pension Agreement Template:

When creating a salary sacrifice pension agreement template, it is important to include the following details:

– The amount of salary that the employee will be sacrificing

– The amount of employer contribution to the pension

– The length of time that the agreement will be in place

– Any conditions or restrictions on the agreement

– The terms of the agreement for ending or modifying the arrangement

– The tax implications of the agreement for both parties

– The legal implications of the agreement

It is also important to ensure that both the employer and the employee understand the terms of the agreement and have the opportunity to ask questions or seek legal advice before signing the agreement.


Salary sacrifice pension agreements can be a beneficial arrangement for both employers and employees in the UK. By using a salary sacrifice pension agreement template, both parties can ensure that the agreement is legally binding and compliant with UK laws and regulations. Including important details in the template can help to ensure that both parties understand the terms of the agreement and can make informed decisions about their pension contributions.